Sunday 29 November 2020

Talks from the Podium

I watched my friend from the wooden pews
Struggling to preach an answer
To the question of peace he had not found
That threatened to tear me asunder

His hesitant words, his conflicting conviction
On a statement he knows should be true
Yet the person that's failed to convince in that moment
Is myself, my faithless hues

We have within each of us, combatting desires
To be certain things that we want
Burns bright in us, the fear of hypocrisy
When we speak of truths that we aren't

We wish them to be - at a snap of our fingers
To have that surety of mind
Yet inside we know that wishful desires
Aren't enough to bring peace of mind

If we could only have a seed of desire
To push ourselves ever forward
But we can't plant that seed, truth it may be
For we fear the loss of our present

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